Category: Bible
Investing in the Gospel
What does it mean to invest? Regarding the Gospel, investing includes promoting, participating, proclaiming, partnering, or financing. Years ago, I heard a preacher say that the Gospel, or Gospel centered ministries, for example, the Bus ministry, door-to-door soul-wining, or a Mission’s program should be your largest line item or expense. Your largest ministry expense often…
What Characterized the 1st Century Church?
Text: Acts 2:42-47 When our risen Lord assembled with His disciples in Acts 1, He instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, however, they enquired about the future, but the Lord quickly redirected their attention to that which lied directly ahead, Holy Ghost power and the…
Preparing for Ministry
By Tom A. Faulk I was gloriously saved at age 24, on March 19, 1978, at the Cleveland Baptist Church under the preaching of my pastor, Dr. Roy Thompson. It was Palm Sunday and appropriately, he preached on the Lord’s triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. At the close of his message, Pastor gave an invitation, pleading…